Ludlow Castle Transport Show – Cancelled

Date(s) - 17/05/2020
10:00 - 17:00

Ludlow Castle


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This years event has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Transport Festival boasts over 180 stunning pre 1984 vehicles displayed in the Outer Bailey of the grounds of the castle. For the past 4 years we have had displays on both the Saturday and the Sunday due to the over whelming demand from car owners to be part of this event. For the first time this year, there will be an autojumble – trade stands welcomed. On the Saturday of the event we encourage clubs to take part and the decades of vehicles that are displayed are reported and photograhed on by press from around the world.Tractors, small commercials and motorbikes are displayed at the front of the castle for people to enjoy as they approach the castle bringing the event into the town as well. We always welcome new entries into the event, so if you’re pre-1984 and fancy a fantastic day out enjoying the stunning surrounds of Ludlow Castle then this really is the event for you. Cars Pre 1980 • Pre War – Up to 1948 • Post War – 1949 – 1959 • Modern Classics – 1960 –1980 Special Interest This is open to any make/model and age.