Club Clothing

Logo_TNWe have recently launched a new club logo which as well as being featured on the new car sticker it is now available embroidered on a range of clothing items. As well as the initial order for the commitee members a lot of members have now placed orders, so if you are interested in purchasing any items there may be an opertunity to try before you buy. There is a large range of clothing items available and we have picked out 16 items for you to choose from.

For more information and to place an order go to our Buy Club Clothing page.

You can also order from Ellen at one of our Tuesday Club meetings.

You can also visit the suppliers website at:

Here are some images from the initial order, please make allowances for the male model. We are very pleased with the quality of the clothing.

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For more infromation contact Ellen on our ‘Contact Us‘ page or leave a reply below.