Holt Community Show
Date(s) - 02/06/2019
11:00 - 17:00
Millennium Green
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Meet at the Dog in Harvington at 9:15 for a 9:30 departure
The club will be attending this show after our visit to the Hallow Country Fair in 2018 was a success. As well as classic cars on show there are plenty of activities throughout the day as well as stands etc.
Food and drinks stalls, and a licensed bar
Various activities, acts, dog show and music in the Arena.
We need to be onsite by 10:30 as the show opens at 11 so we will be leaving the Dog at 9:30 prompt!!
This show is replacing the Hallow Country Fair due to some legal issues surrounding the original location of the Hallow Country Fair, the new show and location is approximately 3.5 miles from Hallow and has the same stalls and events as would have been at the Hallow Show. Profits raised from the running of the show are going to the Millennium Green Trust.
Directions: Turn off the A443 at the Red Lion Public House in Holt Heath, following the sign to Stourport on Severn. The entrance to the field is approximately 100 yards on the left.