Site update

I have recently moved so was without internet at home for a while, but I now broadband again so the site updates should become more frequent (and I can catch up with the backlog of gallery pictures that need to be uploaded)

I have added SSL certificates to the site, for those who don’t know what that is, it means that the site is now encrypted during transfer and any forms that you complete can not be intercepted easily by hackers. Hopefully this will give everyone more confidence in this day and age where nothing seems to be safe anymore.

There is a chance that some old posts will throw up a mixed security error or even be un-encrypted. This is nothing to worry about as some links and images are not hosted on our site and are coming across unencrypted channels and some of the posts are hard coded on the website to come via standard channels. I’m working my way through the site to remove these issues but all pages with forms on are now secure.

If you notice any errors then please let me know by either filling out the contact us form or mailing me direct on

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