Committee Meeting Minutes – 18th Oct 2016

Committee meeting minutes – Tuesday 18th October 2016

Harry let Neil know he would not be able to attend the meeting a couple of days ago.

Recap last minutes:
Ellen still to price up a pop-up banner.
Ellen still to re-do the promotional clothing picture. Due to new items added.

Jennings is happy to put some posters up and promote the club, Neil to confirm sponsorship/discount or both?
Re-iterate show booking process to members in Christmas magazine and at AGM.

Price up Weekend away for June as this is a month that always seems to lack shows and events, see last minutes. Possibly to include tour of Titanic Brewery.

Van signwriting, we have been quoted £150.00 with another supplier, Allan and Neil to arrange getting the work carried out.

Allan raised that it would be a good idea to add the committee members to the insurance to drive the van.

Ellen to remember to send minutes to Allan for website.

Feedback forms: Print Form or Online form
Forms to be produced in order to get feedback from members so any concerns or suggestions can be raised at the AGM.

Restoration Show NEC:
Awaiting confirmation that we have a stand.

Breakfast runs:
December 11th – Apley Farm

January 14th – Coventry Motor Museum

February 19th – The Lazy Trout

March 19th – new venue tbc.

We need to look for new venues. Allan will contact Severn Valley to see if there would be an opportunity to hold an event there. Tony and Neil suggested doing the Plum Festival instead of Himley Transport Show. All committee members will look for new events for 2017.

Ellen to add more photos to facebook and create BCCCC dropbox.
Advertise the “OAP” outings on the website usually a Monday, but this can be changed to suit.

Other Business:
Reword some of the club rules – Ellen to change
We need to order passes earlier so that Tony can hand them out at meetings. If people are not going to be able to collect their pass, then they should be charged postage at 53p.
Magazine – ask members if they would prefer to receive the magazine electronically.

Xmas meal – committee decided probably best not to have one as there are a lot of other runs and events on.

Meal at Bennetts End pub – Ellen suggested we meet at the Haden Cross Pub and ask them if they can put on hot drinks (possibly to include a donation for remembrance Sunday). We are awaiting the menu which we will have for the next meeting, Neil and Ellen will also text everyone and ask for £10 deposit per person.

Allan suggested that we possibly need someone else, as backup, to be able to access and run the website, Kirsty Moore has been suggested and will be asked if she would like to do this.

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